Curtain Call, Rome, 17 October 2024
It was announced at the Opera di Roma press conference on 09 June that Simon will sing Captain Balstrode in the Deborah Warner production of Peter Grimes in Rome in October 2024.
Link to press conference (in Italian)
There will be a Youth Preview Performance for audience members of 26 years and under on 09 October at 7pm
Click here to watch a video trailer for Peter Grimes issued by the Teatro dell'opera di Roma
Click here to see a gallery of rehearsal photos from the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma Facebook page
The first night of Peter Grimes on Friday 11 October was broadcast live on Italian radio channel RAI 3 Live at 20.00 hrs Italian time.
"Simon Keenlyside no necesita presentación. Quien puede, solo con gestos, traducir los sentimientos contradictorios de Balstrode (por ejemplo, al abandonar tras los demás la cabaña de Grimes), no necesitaría ni cantar. Además, lo hace como siempre de modo natural y perfecto como para hacer desear que Britten le hubiese dado más parte."
"Simon Keenlyside needs no introduction. He who can, with gestures alone, convey Balstrode's contradictory feelings (for example, when he leaves Grimes' cottage after the others), would not even need to sing. And he does it as always in a natural and perfect way, so that you wish Britten had given him more of a part."
"Simon Keenlyside offre una solida interpretazione del Capitano Balstrode, figura che rappresenta un barlume di umanità in un contesto altrimenti implacabile."
"Simon Keenlyside offers a solid interpretation of Captain Balstrode, a figure who represents a glimmer of humanity in an otherwise implacable context".
"Simon Keenlyside è un Balstrode che diremmo di lusso se non fosse amalgamato alla perfezione con il resto del cast, artista di rango sia nella carismatica fisicità sia nel raccoglimento più distinto e sensibile."
"Simon Keenlyside is a Balstrode who we would call luxurious if he were not perfectly blended with the rest of the cast, an artist of rank both in his charismatic physicality and in his most distinct and sensitive concentration."
"Simon Keenlyside si conferma artista di gran classe nei panni del Capitano Balstrode."
"Simon Keenlyside confirms himself as a classy artist in the role of Captain Balstrode."
" grande baritono Simon Keenlyside sembra aver interpretato il capitano Balstrode per tutta la vita e risulta credibilissimo nelle prime due scene dell’atto I e nello struggente finale."
"...the great baritone Simon Keenlyside seems to have played Captain Balstrode all his life and is very credible in the first two scenes of Act I and in the heartbreaking finale."
"Simon Keenlyside fue un Balstrode de lujo, sobrado en lo vocal y con el excelente desempeño escénico habitual en él. "
"Simon Keenlyside was a top-notch Balstrode, with plenty of vocal talent and the excellent stage performance he usually has."
"Bravissimi Simon Keenlyside nel ruolo del Capitano Balsdrode.."
"Simon Keenlyside was excellent as Captain Balsdrode..."
"Gli altri cantanti in scena s’avvalevano d’un Captain Balstrode demoniaco e insinuante come Simon Keenlyside (debuttante al Teatro dell’Opera dopo trent’anni di superba carriera!?).."
"The other singers on stage made use of a demonic and insinuating Captain Balstrode like Simon Keenlyside (debuting at the Opera House after thirty years of superb career!?)..."
All translations from the Italian and Spanish are by Google Translate.