Following his NCH debut on 21 March as part of the Dublin Song Series, Simon worked with four young singers in this master class on Wednesday 22 March.
David Kennedy - Baritone
Worked on Schubert's 'Nachtstück' and the conclusion of Mozart's 'Hai già vinta la causa!' from Le nozze di Figaro
Eoin Foran - Baritone
Worked on Wagner's 'Wie Todesahnung Dämmrung deckt die Lande - O du, mein holder Abendstern' from Tannhäuser
Emily Hogarty - Mezzo Soprano
Worked on Duparc's 'Au pays où se fait la guerre'
Peter O'Reilly - Tenor
Worked on Mozart's 'Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön' from Die Zauberflöte